
Sunday, 31 May 2020


      Linking and other activities to be taken to build strong presence of a website away from the source code and website content.

      Including social media links, pushing content links on worthy pages.

      When users come to website viewing websites presence elsewhere also improves its rank on search.

      Also think in this way people doing virtual voting by clicking on content links.

Checklist to be completed before going by OFF-PAGE

1. Solid Backlinking:-

a.     Any page having around other webpages links.
b.     When many websites having links of that individual content page and getting clicks on that links make search engine to recognize more better and ranks it up.
# of types

#1        No-Follow Links:
Ø  When links falls in no follow tag become unuseful for search engine, search engine take no part in it.
Ø  No follow links not helpful in increasing page rank.
Ø  There is not much difference in attribution only one tag makes it difference.

#2        Do-Follow Links:
Ø  By default, all links falls in “Do Follow”.
Ø  No special requirements for this to do it.
Ø  When do follow link grows this means your page rank is flowing like wine and user having good taste of it.
Ø  No follow links not helpful in increasing page rank.

2. Evaluation, Findings, Interviews

a.     Let people to ask question and answers clear and brief.
b.     Provide more and more example, sometimes 1 example is not enough to provide complete information.

3. Interactive Videos and games.

a.     Putting video about website, its blog and features of website provide positive impact.
b.     People take more interest with videos, if they are interactive than would be better.
c.     Make quiz and sort of things about content to enhance their knowledge.

2. Other content connection

a.     Create a path for user by connection one content with another so they can gain more and more and revisit website.

4. Subscription and follow

a.     Solid content makes people to subscribe your website.
b.     By this means whenever they get update of their interest they come and see what new for them.
c.     This improves their knowledge and this gains other interest as well by their mouth or wordings.

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